Saturday, June 27, 2009

Springfield Vermont holds the Annual Alumni Week Parade Day! - Fancy News

Springfield Vermont, Official Home of the Simpsons, held the exciting annual Alumni Week Parade today, everyone attended! ...

Bongo was most pleased to see the wonderful reception given to the returning Alumni

The Apple Blossom Queen and her Court of Honor attended, riding in a sporty late twentieth century two door Cadillac

There were tailgate parties galore lining the parade route

Hill's Band Wagon serenaded the crowd

Jolly clowns were in good form

The alumni marched along briskly and with a jaunty manner

A fine dragon made a welcome appearance, spreading luck among the assembled revelers

The Class of 1989 was as cuddly as ever

There was no lack of fine false mustachios

Local celebrities graced the event with a modest presence, so as not to outshine the Shriners

The Shriners
Local Fire Departments took the opportunity to display life saving technology from the past

Blonds had great fun

Platinum Blond Bongo maintained a justified aloofness throughout, holding court on the corner

Here we see a Mighty Fine Bulldog and his friends anxiously awaiting the festivities, in a prime location, where they are sure to get a perfect view of Bongo the Goat and his entourage

Here are Weathersfield Bow's Famous Eastman's Farm BBQ kings, doing a magnificent job of creating a delicious offering for the hungry crowds of revelers, the great wafting clouds of savory smoke bekoning all to the feast ...

Tune in later for more pics, the poster must get to Mt. Ephraim Farm, in Springfield, Vermont, for more of their famous fresh eggs before it gets too dark!